Bibliographic information

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Bibliographic information
Type Book DocumentCopy of the material information
Title 親友のたのみ(シンユウ/ノ/タノミ)
It's checked at other libraries.:  Prefecture library cross search National Diet Library
Author 星/新一‖作(ホシ,シンイチ)
Publisher 理論社/東京
Publication year 2006.12

Borrowing information

Number of holdings Number of books in-library use only Number of books available for borrowing Number of books on borrowing Number of reservations
Number of holdings
1 books
Number of books in-library use only
0 books
Number of books available for borrowing
1 books
Number of books on borrowing
0 books
Number of reservations
0 items
 My本棚に登録Received at the Yamaguchi Prefectural Yamaguchi LibraryReceived in other cities and towns library
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Document No.:
Exhaust rack location:
Children's LibraryChildren's Library(The material you need is in Children's Library. Please ask the staff if you have any questions.)
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